Golden des Alpes de Haute-Durance IGP
Golden des Alpes de Haute-Durance IGP
A Golden Delicious variety that is cultivated in the mountains.
The Golden of the Alpes de Haute-Durance come exclusively from six townships of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence and thirteen townships of the Hautes-Alpes located between 450 and 900 metres above sea level.
The quality of these apples is linked to their region, and in particular to the climate of the Haute-Durance with more than 300 days of sunshine per year. The cold at night during apple ripening prevents the degradation of acids, while the high temperature during the day allows the apples to be coloured yellow, with pink highlights.
The Golden des Alpes de Haute-Durance combines gustatory and aesthetic qualities! Harvested at an optimal stage of picking, it guarantees consumers a high sugar content.