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Gala RKD is an early variety

The RKD Gala is an early variety. It’s the first apple of the season from Blue Whale producers.

The first shipments in trays started on 07/22, closely followed by the South-West producers of the Stanor station… Stay tuned 😉

Proud of the Blue Whale value chain

We were committed to highlighting the links in our value chain, from the orchard to the consumers.

All united in a shared commitment to promoting a high-performing arboriculture, technically, economically, and environmentally.
The video is here

Fruit Logistica 2024: A must-attend mid-season event

-> 66,000 visitors to the show

-> 3 days of meetings with customers, partners, clubs, etc.

-> 1 peech by Christelle Bertin, Blue Whale’s Marketing & Communications Director, on the Fresh Produce Forum to share BW’s innovative approach.

-> 1 great BlueWhale team to talk fruits on behalf of the 300 BlueWhale growers!

A new Blue Whale event to initiate debate around sustainable and desirable arboriculture

In 2024, we inaugurated a new event format : An event to initiate debate around the question “What sustainable and desirable arboriculture tomorrow?”.

-> A time for sharing, learning and exchanging ideas for our growers, fruit station teams and BW employees, as well as our local partners, local representatives, customers, institutional contacts and interprofessional partners.

A full house for this 1st edition focused on the theme “Climate change and societal challenges: let’s adapt to the new deal”!

atout jeunes
Blue Whale prepares for the future with “Atout Jeunes”

“You can’t plan for the future, you have to prepare for it”.
This is the philosophy behind the “ATOUT JEUNES” program.

➡ 8 young Blue Whale fruit growers from our 3 production areas are taking part in a training cycle focusing on farm management, governance of cooperatives, agricultural investments, etc.

This is a first edition, over 2 years, to accompany young fruit growers who want to play a key role in the perpetuation of the Blue Whale spirit… to be continued

salon fruit attraction madrid stand blue whale
Fruit Attraction 2024 trade show

The Blue Whale team is on hand to talk fruit on behalf of the 300 Blue Whale fruit growers!

A highlight for the Blue Whale teams in Madrid 🍎🍐🥝🍇

This year, our team is offering an immersive experience in the world of Envy apples, gourmet tastings and the presentation of some great projects…

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Launch of the RéGénération Fruit project

An agro-ecology research project for the apple sector led by 6 agricultural players, including Blue Whale as lead partner.
A project co-funded by the government as part of the France 2030 plan, following a call for projects by “the Banque Publique d’Investissement “BPI France” on the theme of “Making a success of the agroecological transition”.

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Join the Blue Whale community on LinkedIn

In 2023, BlueWhale is expanding its LinkedIn page.
Find team testimonials, news from our orchards, our fresh fruit ranges, our innovative projects and much more!

Access the page HERE