• 4 canada apples
  • 400 g cod
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 2 firm flesh potatoes
  • 1 head of broccoli, florets and stem
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • pinch of espelette pepper
  • 8 chive stems
  • 1 litre of milk
  • olive oil
  • salt, pepper


  • 100 g grated parmesan
  • 100 g ground almonds
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil


Wash and then cook the unpeeled potatoes in a little water.

When cooked, peel them and cut into 1cm cubes and place into a salad bowl.

Peel and cube the apples, stir in the lemon juice.

To make the court-bouillon stock, heat the milk, season with salt, add the finely chopped broccoli stem, the garlic and the pinch of Espelette pepper, leave this to simmer.

Chop the cod into large pieces and add to the simmering stock, add the apples and sprinkle with half the grated broccoli florets. Cook for 5-6 minutes on a low boil. In the salad bowl with potatoes, finely snip the chives add the olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Add the apples, cod and the chopped broccoli stem. Mix well then 3/4 fill 4 individual gratin dishes, leaving enough room for the crumble.


Preheat the oven to 200°c. In a bowl, add the same quantity of Parmesan to ground almonds, then the rest of the grated broccoli (keeping some back for decoration) and a pinch of Espelette pepper. Add the olive oil and mix until you get a crumb consistency. Divide the crumble between the 4 dishes, cook in the oven for 5-6 minutes.


Before serving sprinkle the reserved grated broccoli florets for decoration.

A really tasty dish best eaten hot!