Our Commitments
To develop model packhouses Blue Whale works in a sustainable system at all stages of the chain. This applues also orchards.
1. More value for non-compliant fruit
All Blue Whale fruit go through quality controls where a lot of standards are evaluated (size, colour, brix…). If the fruit does not respect specifications it is declassed and has a second life by being sold for compote, juice, sirup…

2. Organic waste recycling
All damaged fruits are valorised by being transformed into compost, sugar or methane.
3. Water use management
In packhouses Blue Whale reduce bit by bit process that use a lot of water.
When apples arrive on site they are pre-sized in canals filled with filtered water (natural filtration based on sand and active carbon). This saves around 4000m2 a year.
4. Storage in Extreme ULO
Blue Whale packhouses are all equipped with new generation refrigeration USING LESS ENERGY; Oxygen rate is low and CO2 level raised to block maturation of the fruit. This technique limits chemicals treatments after harvest.
5. To reduce consumption
Most of Blue Whale packhouses are equipped with photovoltaic panels on their roofs which covers part of their needs. They also have LED lights more economic than classic lights and automatic doors to avoid loss of temperature.