Our Apples
Synonymous with pleasure ever since a certain Adam bit heartily into one, the apple is the fruit par excellence, as its etymology shows (from the Latin “pomum” = fruit!).
Enjoyed by man since the Stone Age, apples have come down through the ages, developing spectacularly in the 19th Century.
There are several thousand varieties, but the market has focused on thirty, selected over time for their taste, yield and resistance.
See below the 27 varieties of apples in the Blue Whale range.
Choose firm fruit with a smooth skin.
Choose the variety according to your taste and what you want to do with it: eating or cooking.
While you can find apples all year round, they’re at their best in the autumn as they’ve ripened on the tree.
Apples will keep for several days in a fruit bowl as long as the room is not overheated, or in the vegetable drawer in the fridge, which halts the ripening process.
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”
This great saying sums up all the benefits of apples.
Apple = 60 kcal
Nutritional values of apples
Proteins : 0,3g – 0,5g
Lipids : 0,3g – 0,5g
Carbohydrates: 20g
Water: 85%
Rich in pectin, which helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. It also helps to regulate intestinal transit and improve the digestive function.
The antioxidants in the flesh and particularly the skin of apples help to protect our cells against the harmful effects of free radicals involved in the onset of cancers.
Rich in vitaminsB, E and especially C. The skin of an apple contains more vitamin C than its flesh (4 or 5 times more).
Cooking also reduces its vitamin contribution.
Eating apples regularly helps to control your weight. An average 150g apple provides approximately 18 to 20g of carbohydrates (74 to 80 kcal) which are absorbed gradually by the organism, leading to a significant, long-lasting feeling of satiety.
It is the ideal appetite suppressant.